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Digital Signature Image

Uploading a Digital Signature Image

1) Once you have logged on to the Web Client as an Admin, navigate to Access > Users > Create User, and Create a New User

TIP: The admin can use this oppritinity to verify that this image matches the User's actual ink signature.

2) Select "Choose file" and upload the desired image of the user's signature

Signer Adds New Signature Groups

The Add Cosigners dialog allows the Signer to add new signature groups.  This is useful when there are multiple contributors on a page.

Click on Add Group (at the bottom of the Add Cosigners dialog) and add another Signing Role to the Signature Workflow.  New signature roles are added to the workflow in the order the signer adds them. This is optional.  Note that you must have a person in your Signature Group who has the Signing Role.

View before Cosigning

This requirement is based on a business policy that is described for signing.  There are separate business policies for signing and for cosigning; hence, there may be a requirement to view before signing but not before cosigning.


Signature Reports are found in the Tools Menu.

If you initiate signatures and there are pending or overdue signatures, you can see a report listing the users who need to cosign.  This view can be filtered by workgroup and person.

View before Signing

It is assumed that people will read the documents they are asked to sign or cosign.  There is a business policy is CERF that can be configured (by the System Administrator) so that you are required to view a printed copy (if one exists) or view the resource itself in CERF before you can sign it.  If you are required to print to PDF before signing, the signing button will be disabled (as shown below) and you view the PDF.  If you are not required to print to PDF before signing, but if the policy requiring viewing is true, the signing button will be disabled until you select "V

Print before Signing

There is a CERF business policy that controls whether Notebooks, Sections, and Pages must be printed before they can be signed.  Your System Administrator sets the policies for your organization.  If this policy is set to True, CERF will display a message when you try to sign a Notebook, Section, or Page informing you that you must print the Notebook, Section, or Page and asks you if you want to do so now. 

Mulitiple Contributors

If you created a Notebook Page, you are the contributor and you should, therefore, be able to initiate signing on your Page.  However, if other members of your workgroup have contributed Entries on this page, you will not be able to inititate signing until they have finalized all of their Entries on your page or they have completed signing on all of their Entries.  When you attempt to initiate signing, CERF will display a message if there are multiple contributors.

Signature Workflow

When you create a new Notebook or File Cabinet, you must select a Signature Workflow.  This workflow cannot be changed later, and it determines whether or not you will be required to have cosigners to sign a resource in this collection.  The Signature Workflow specifies how many cosigners (if any) are required and what signing roles they must have.

Signing in Multiple Contexts

Notice that you can select a Signing Context for the Signature Block display.  This is because a Resource link (i.e., the same Resource) may be signed in two different contexts, such as in two different Notebooks.  For a link to be created in a Notebook, the Workgroup must be the same in both places.  The two collections may have different signature workflows, however, and because cosigners can have multiple signing roles, they may be able to sign in two contexts with different roles.

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